Lakes for Level Water a great success!

Amazing Alexander just before his 10km for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. Alex has raised an incredible amount of money and we are so proud of him. Massive congratulations! What a strong swim

The absolutely incredible Kate, just before her 10K swim for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. Again another strong swim with some impressive money raised. Massive congratulations Kate, you are awesome!

Gemma is always smiling….even when’s she’s swimming! Here she is just before her 5K for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. A brilliant swim with vital funds raised. Well done Gemma on an fantastic swim.

Chris swam a whopping 14KM for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER today! We are so very proud of him and money he has raised. He cruised round the lake like a complete superhero today! Massive congratulations Sir!

Introducing the two most magnificent women….Lizzie and Clare who both swam 3K and 1,200m for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER today. They are simply a joy to have at the lake, always smiling and always putting in the training in all weathers. They also deserve a huge congratulations from all of us for all the incredible money raised…. £400!!!! Well done from all of the Horseshoe Swim Team. So proud

And they’re off……to swim their chosen distances for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER!!! Good luck Daniel, Mick and Sue

Congratulations to the amazing Louise who completed 3K today with her equally incredible daughter Ruth. Such amazing girls taking ti the open water for a great cause. Well done ladies!

4K champs Louise and Ruth!

Massive congratulations Kate and Carl who swam an impressive 5K for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. Amazing swimming both, well done from all of us at Horseshoe.

Lady of the lake Kate who smashed out a amazingly strong 5K for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. As smiley and sparkly when she finished as when she went in. Spectacular swimming So proud!

The incredible Daniel emerging from a victorious 12K swim for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. Well done sir! Absolutely amazing swimming!

The man, the hero and the absolute legend that is Sir Mick Tott finishing his 10K strong and smiling for LAKES FOR LEVEL WATER. Massive congratulations!