Before you can swim at Horseshoe Lake you must read and agree to abide by these rules.

  • I will not enter the water until I have signed in & all safety staff are in place on the water & reception staff say it's safe to do so
  • I shall enter and exit the water from the beach & stay within the designated swim routes unless otherwise instructed by HLAC staff
  • I will be advised not to wear a wetsuit if the water temperature is above 24 degrees (if there is any reason why I am unable to swim without a wetsuit I will inform the HLAC swim staff)
  • I will wear a bright coloured swim hat (not black, silver or dark colours)
  • I will sign in and out of the water with reception staff at every session
  • I agree to supply emergency contact details & any relevant medical issues upon booking & understand this information is kept for my safety
  • I will swim within my ability and respond immediately to any directions given by HLAC staff/safety cover including any instruction to exit the water
  • In the event I get into any difficulty I will ROLL ON MY BACK & SIGNAL TO SAFETY COVER WITH AN ARM IN THE AIR
  • I will not deliberately obstruct or interfere with any other swimmers or their property
  • I will not dive or jump into the water from the jetty, platform or boat
  • I will not swim if I am feeling unwell or under the influence of alcohol or drugs and if I become unwell during a session I will inform the HLAC staff immediately
  • I agree to take the full responsibility of my personal belongings whilst at HLAC
  • I will provide the correct contact details upon booking and agree to notify HLAC immediately if any changes or updates are required
  • I agree to listen to all HLAC staff about safety instructions and will seek coaching advice if I have not swum in open water before
  • Children aged 8-16 are permitted to swim with an adult (max 1 child per adult). You must stay with the child at all times regardless of their ability and they may only use the 400m Loop. (Club swimmers see below)


  • Club swimmers under the age of 16 may swim without an adult if they state their registered club upon booking and inform HLAC staff upon arrival.
  • Any child who is NOT a registered club swimmer and would like to swim without an adult must have an assessment by a qualified HLAC coach who will be able to approve open water competency. This is free of charge.
  • All children on the HLAC site must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.


Non-Wetsuit Waiver

HLAC welcome both wetsuit and non-wetsuit swimmers. (Wetsuits provide additional buoyancy and protection against cold water temperatures and are strongly recommended to new open water swimmers)

Non-use of wetsuits will be welcomed, provided you are able to satisfy HLAC staff that you are safe and competent to swim without a wetsuit, based on an acceptable level of experience swimming in cold, open water conditions previously.

As a Non-Wetsuit swimmer you must understand the risks associated with swimming in open water and choosing to swim at HLAC without a wetsuit may mean that some of these risks are increased. Particularly with regards to reduced protection from cold water conditions and the potential onset of hypothermia. You hereby waive any and all rights of action against HLAC for any injuries and other actionable events, arising from your decision to swim in HLAC without a wetsuit.

Horseshoe Lake Open Water Swimming Disclaimer

You must understand the dangers associated with swimming in open water, including the potential for serious personal injury, death and loss of property and thereby agree to assume all associated risks.

You hereby waiver any and all rights of action against HLAC for injuries or other actionable events, arising out of your use of facilities at Horseshoe Lake Activity Centre.

You agree to release, discharge, indemnify & hold harmless HLAC from any liability arising there from, to defend any action of proceeding against HLAC as a result thereof, and to indemnify HLAC against any liability or expense incurred by it as a result thereof.